I'm delighted to share with you my conversation with Austin Kleon! We dive into owning your weird, how to show up even when you don't feel like it and how to stay true to yourself no matter what.
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About Meg & Couragemakers
I’m Meg and I’m the host of The Daily Pep! and The Couragemakers Podcast and founder of
The Rebel Rousers. I’m a
coach, writer and all-round rebel-rouser for creative and multi-passionate women to do the things only they can do and build a wholehearted life.
When I'm not recording episodes, writing bullshit-free
Letters of Rebellion to my wonderful Couragemakers community or hosting workshops/group programmes, I'm usually covered in paint or walking my wonderfully weird cockapoo Merlin.
Website | Instagram | The Rebel Rousers Podcast| Letters of Rebellion | Rebel Creators